Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May 3: Kansas City, MO to Denver, CO

Today was another long drive. Took off from the hotel around 11, stopped at a Steak 'n' Shake in Kansas. Pretty good, nothing special. One interesting thing about Kansas, there are at least two big adult video stores with billboards on the highway. I guess people in Kansas like their porn.

As I was driving along, I started seeing some other interesting billboards advertising six-legged cattle and the biggest prairie dog in the world. Intrigued, I got off the exit, but didn't see any more signs directing me where to go. I took a right and started driving. But as the houses became more sparse, I thought this had a good chance of becoming Anvil Rock Rd part 2, so I turned around and got back on the highway.

Got into Denver, where I'm staying with my cousin Ajay. For dinner, we went to the Buckhorn Exchange, the oldest restaurant in Denver. Remember the Roadkill Cafe, with all the animal heads on the wall? Well, they've got nothing on this place. I didn't have my camera so I'll get pictures once Ajay emails them to me. Buckhorn Exchange is also famous for serving the more off-beat meat choices. Options on their menu include buffalo, elk, quail, ostrich, and yak (although they were out of the yak).

Our waitress was very nice. I asked her which soup she recommended, and she just said she'll bring me 1/2 a bowl of each. Which ended up being 3/4 bowl of each. Score. I had the elk and cornish game hen combo plate. Turns out, elk is ridiculously good. Like, I need to find out where to get some elk in California good. It's a little pricey, but you get a lot of food.

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