Wednesday, April 28, 2010

April 27: New York, NY to Boston, MA

Because of the long night out in Manhattan, this ended up being a pretty abbreviated day. Woke up after 11 and ate my leftover chicken and rice. My brother had to be at the hospital at 1 (you thought I had it easy on family medicine...), so I took off for Boston. Pretty uneventful drive until I got in the vicinity of Boston. I jumped onto I-93, and I notice the strangest thing. People are driving on the shoulder. Now this wasn't just one rogue driver trying to get around traffic (and actually, there wasn't even much traffic to begin with). There were so many cars doing it, I thought maybe I was confused and this was actually a lane. But every time we approached an exit and they drove right through the white lines marking the curve of the exit, I knew what was really going on. Massachusetts drivers are completely insane. Emma, help me out here. What the fuck was that?

When I got to the hotel, I had a realization: this is the first time I've ever stayed in a hotel room by myself. All the other times I was traveling alone, I would always get a hooker.

It was rainy and cold, but I finally worked up the energy to get on the subway and go into the city for dinner. Went to the North End, which is the Italian section of town. Hanover St., which appears to be the main street in that area, is loaded with Italian restaurants and gelaterias.

One more subway stop, I would've been at the Celtics game.

I ate at Pomodoro, which is a tiny restaurant that seats 24 people (yes I counted). I ordered the chicken carbonara, and while I was waiting, the waitress brought me a salad. Well that was nice of them, I thought. The carbonara was excellent, great chicken to pasta ratio.

After I finished eating, I thought she was coming with the check, but instead brought some tiramisu. At that point I started to feel really special. But then I looked over and noticed the people next to me had it as well. So they must just give everyone salad and dessert, which makes sense given that the prices on their menu were higher than what I saw online.

At dinner, I realized meals would be the hardest part about traveling on my own. As I was eating, all I did was stare out the window at the people walking by, and at this sign.

Only after looking at this pic on my computer did I notice how veiny that cigar looks.

Is the shake and bake hitting on me?

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