Sunday, April 25, 2010

April 25: Washington, DC

My aunt and uncle decided to join me on my DC expedition. Our first destination was Georgia Brown's for brunch. I went here because Dustin totally has a boner for this place. As soon as he found out I'd be in DC on a Sunday, he said I needed to go to Georgia Brown's. The way their Sunday brunch works is, there's an all-you-can-eat buffet with french toast, bacon, sausage, biscuits, omelets, roast beef, an extensive dessert table, and some other stuff. This will cost you $38.95, which seems pretty expensive at first. I mean, it's not like this is the Bellagio or something. Ah, but there's more! In addition to this buffet, you get an entree. With all the food in the buffet, it seems silly to do anything other than have them give you the entree to go. So in reality, you get two full meals out of this. And, the food is damn good. I particularly enjoyed the biscuit battered French toast, roast beef, and shrimp omelet. Apple cobbler and pumpkin pie were great as well. So in conclusion, Dustin's boner was totally justified.

Almost forgot about the jazz band!

From there, my goal was to see as many important buildings and monuments as I could manage. First stop was the White House. Mass of pictures coming.... now.

Washington Monument

WWII Memorial and Lincoln Memorial

Vietnam War Memorial

National Air and Space Museum

Capitol Building

See that mass of neon high schoolers in the bottom left of the picture? When I was walking toward the Capitol, they were walking in the other direction. As they passed, one of the kids tried to scare me by making noise and waving his arms. I can only imagine the discussion he had with his friends right before this. "Dude, you should totally scare some random person. It'll be AWESOME!" "Oh man, definitely! This is gonna be sweeeeet!"

It probably ruined his whole day when I didn't even react a little bit. Anyway, back to pictures.

Back of Jefferson Memorial, which is cooler looking than the front.

On the front side, there's steps to walk up to the memorial. I decided to try to exit through the back, and a couple high school girls had the same idea. Turns out the back doesn't have steps, more like mini-ledges that force you to hop down to each lower level. I hopped down one, then decided to walk back around to the front. As I was doing this, one of the girls walked up to the edge, peered over, and said, "Wow, that's bigger than I was expecting."

I was verrryyy tempted to say "That's what she said," but I let it slide because it seemed a little inappropriate.

What's cool about DC is that they keep all the monuments and important buildings in a central location in and around the National Mall. But there are also massive swaths of grass and water between everything, meaning you still end up walking quite a lot. After getting home, I went here and determined I had walked about 5.5 miles today. That number sounds a lot less like sightseeing, and a lot more like exercise. But it's ok, Georgia Brown's fried catfish made me feel better.

Today's music selection is by Wale, a DC rapper. But honestly, he gets killed by Brother Ali on this song.

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